Find my interview on this question in the “MITBESTIMMUNG” magazine of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation here.
Author: admin
A new daily blog series of the Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) investigates processes of social inequality during the COVID-19 crisis in Germany. A first blog article by Bettina Kohlrausch and me analyzes who suffered from income losses during the crisis. Based on panel data of more than 6.000 respondents of Germany´s working population, 31.8% stated income loss. The analyses furthermore show how existing inequalities are reinforced during corona. For example, respondents in precarious work conditions state more often income losses. Moreover, women (especially those with kids) reduced their working hours to a greater extent than men. The article strongly argues for a better consideration of social inequalities for the implementation of future state support measures.
Here´s my thread on this (in German).
On Wednesday, September 23rd, I am happy to chair a so-called Ad-Hoc-Session at the virtual DGS Congress together with Thomas Lux. It´s gonna be on the “Electorate of Right-Wing Parties – Motives, Mechanisms, and Contexts” and it will feature the following talks by Frank Schumann, Philipp Rhein, Anja Mays, Florian Buchmayr, and Floris Biskamp – unfortunately only in German language:
- Schumann: “Der Verlust normativer Selbstverständlichkeit. Zur Bedeutung eines normativen Ordnungswandels in rechtspopulistischen Orientierungen”
- Rhein: “„Dass Leute im Flughafen in Mülleimern kramen um Flaschen zu sammeln und daneben blutjunge Rotzlöffel mit Fridays for Future demonstrieren und nach New York fliegen“ –Dekadenz als integrationsideologische Zeiteinstellung westdeutscher AfD-Wähler*innen”
- Mays: “Wie lässt sich die unterschiedliche Unterstützung rechter Parteien in Ost- und Westdeutschland erklären? Eine Analyse mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels”
- Buchmayr: “Die Korrespondenz zwischen Einstellungsprofilen und sozialen Lagen unter AfD- Sympathisant*innen – eine quantitative Analyse mit Daten des ALLBUS”
- Biskamp: “Klassenbasis und sozioökonomische Positionierung populistisch-radikaler Rechtsparteien in Europa”
An article in the magazine MITBESTIMMUNG (“co-determination”) of the Hans-Böckler Foundation refers to results of our COVID-19-Employment Survey (German language only). It basically discusses how employees in co-determined businesses are better off than employees in businesses without co-determination.
In a new paper, I analyzed whether social inequality in Germany increased during the beginning of the Corona pandemic. Building on representative German Online-panel data, I found particularly respondents in deprived social classes affected by income loss, stress, and burden due to the crisis – indicating a fortification of social inequality in Germany. You can find the working paper here.
Here´s my threat on this (only German).
With my co-author Barbara Fulda, we analyzed the impact of social stratification (“Soziale Lebenslagen”) on attitudes toward climate change based on representative panel data from 2017 and 2019 for the German electorate. We find an increasing, widespread worry about climate change throughout the German society, while group differences are rather marginal. You can find the working paper here.
Launch of my website
Welcome to my new homepage. You can find here information about my research topics such as prejudices, marketization, and anomie as well as about me and my career.