
Podcast on Transformation attitudes

Together with Bettina Kohlrausch and Marco Herack, I had the chance to talk about our study on attitudes to transformation, such as digitalization and socioecological transformation in the Systemrelevant-Podcast of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation (unfortunately, only German). Thank you, that was big fun.

Here are helpful visualizations of the findings that I present in the podcast:


Study on impact of work and transformation on illiberal-authoritarian anti-democratic attitudes in Germany now published in English

We translated and published our study on anti-democratic attitudes now as a WSI-Policy Brief. The study shows what an enormous Herculean task the pressing future challenges of digitalization and socioecological transformation represent and how big the potential for further societal polarization lies dormant in them. It becomes clear that the socially deprived in Germany experience transformation processes as greater threat and are in greater opposition than those with sufficient resources. Transformation processes harbor the danger of further societal polarization resulting in more prevalent anti-democratic attitudes.

Here´s a comprehensive summary of some of the main findings in a Twitter Thread:

The full study can be downloaded here:


New Study on Covid-Skepticism and Conspiracy Myths with German Panel data

Today I published a new study that analyzed the HBS-working force panel regarding Covid-Skepticism and Conspiracy Myths (N=5.047). Here are the four main findings:

Covid Skepticism and Conspiracy Myths remain widespread in Germany in Summer 2021 – regardless of lower Covid-incidences or lower protests: 18% of the German workforce with agreement to all items. Agreement is rather rising than decreasing compared to earlier timepoints in the pandemic.

The items of Covid Skepticism and harsh Conspiracy Myths are very highly correlated: respondents sharing skepticism in most cases also agree to Conspiracy Myths – only a few differentiate between the items.

Several groups with above-average agreement (interestingly these groups are very stable: the same groups with above-average agreement last summer) 1. The Deprived (low income or low education): increased powerlessness; 2. The financially Burdened during the Crisis (massive loss of control); 3. The Younger (who perceive lower Covid health threats while suffering everyday hardship); 4. Those spared by the virus (here it´s easier to maintain myth of harmless virus) and 5. Respondents in Eastern Germany (who report a much higher distrust in political institutions).

Conspiracy Myths pose a signfificant threat to democratic societies as they have problematic behavior implications: 1. Those agreeing to Skepticism and Conspiracy Myths with very low commitment to established German parties; they predominantly vote for the right-wing populist AfD or do not vote at all. 2. They report much more frequently reckless and rule-violating pandemic behavior. 3. They very frequently have not been vaccinated yet and do not intent to.

The full study can be downloaded here. Here is the press release.

New study on impact of work and transformation on anti-democratic attitudes

The first study of my main project at Hans-Böckler-Foundation (together with Dorothea Voss & Bettina Kohlrausch) has been published. We analyzed how “soziale Lebenslagen”, work and especially Transformation is related to anti-democratic attitudes, i.e. right-wing populist attitudes and Group-focused Enmity. We could find that particularly deprived persons and persons with anomic disorientation share those anti-democratic attitudes. Persons integrated in the working force agrees to a lesser extent than retirees or unemployed persons. But more important than the sheer integration in the job market are the working conditions that show effects on the approval of anti-democratic attitudes. Finally, whether respondents are well positioned for the upcoming huge transformational challenges of digitalization and climate change is closely related to anti-democratic attitudes. They constitute enormous challenges for maintaining the democratic integration of many persons facing substantial upheavals.

Here are three threads with several figures:

A short overview:

detailed findings on the role of life circumstances and work:

detailed findings on the role of transformation:

The full study can be downloaded here. The press release can be downloaded here.


New analyses on vaccination status and willingness among German working force

I reanalyzed the last wave of HBS´s working force panel (from July 2021) to see where there´s still potential for Germany´s sluggish vaccination campaign. I could find that several demographics are related to the vaccination status and willingness: deprived persons (income or education), younger persons or immigrants haven´t been reached by the campaign sufficiently. Moreover, there is a considerable share of vaccination opponents among Eastern Germans. Most promblematically: anti-vaxxers show more risky behavior, less adherence of the Corona-precautionary measures and are less afraid of infecting themselves or others. Moreover, they are not reached by the democratic parties – their main voting preference is the right-wing populist AfD or they are nonvoters. Here are the main results in a thread with figures:

Stresses and strains of parents during pandemic in Deutschlandfunk-interview

Today, I was invited to the 90 minutes German live radio show “Lebenszeit” of Deutschlandfunk (@DLF) on “endurancetest pandemic”. I presented our findings on how parents got throught the pandemic and also had the chance to share some personal stories. Find the whole interview here. Here´s the link to the study I presented.


Our statement on the rise of social inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic

Yesterday, my WSI colleague Aline Zucco contributed to the Bundestag Commitee “Parlamentarisches Begleitgremium COVID-19-Pandemie” and presented our findings on the rise of social inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Here´s the link to rewatch the full 105 minutes event. You can find our whole statement here. And finally, here´s my Twitter summary thread on the most important findings (in German):


Comparing employees with and without employee organizations during the pandemic in Germany

in Böckler IMPULS 06/21:


Immense strain in lockdown for parents in Germany

A new analysis of the strain perceived by the working population in Germany shows very high values for the recent survey wave in January: 40% of the respondents report “high” or “extreme” strain. Even higher is the perceived strain for parents (49%) and especially mothers (54%). Moreover, the study shows how inequal the emotional strain is distributed, as low-income respondents report much higher strain.

The study and the press release can be downloaded here (only German).

A thread with figures and most results summarized can be found here (only German):

New paper on Institutional Anomie Theory and Marketized Mentalities published

Very excited and proud that five years after I discussed an idea of applying Institutional Anomie Theory to Polish society with Jacek Bielinski at the ISA Forum in Vienna, the paper is now published in the European Journal of Criminology!

In the paper we introduce and test new, valid, and reliable micro-level measures of marketized mentality. This thread offers a more comprehensive summary:

The paper can be found here.